Aacharya Gyaneshwarji Aarya was born in Bikaner, Rajasthan, Bharat on 27-09-1949. From childhood he was an extra ordinary person because of this quality he was of different personality among the jeweller-family. After obtaining his M.Com. Degree from Rajasthan University he joined his family business with his father. But because of activities in business unacceptable to him and the surroundings, he withdrew himself from the business.
With dawning of Vairagya he tried to find out the solution behind all these activities. Occasionally he came across Sanyasis who used to visit his home. One day he met an Arya Samaji Sanyasi with detachment of nearly all worldly materials except one pot, one small bag and one stick only as his belongings and was cheerful with spiritual vaidik-knowledge. Aachaaryji was attracted by this Sanyasi thinking that – this is the best way of life and he decided to leave home. He left home on – 19-03-1974 without telling anyone in the family.
After leaving home Aacharyaji, by his good fortune, met Swami Satyapatiji Parivrajak on fifth day. Swamiji send him to Gurukul Kalva to learn Sanskrit grammar and language by Aacharya Baldevji.
He spent 6 and ½ years in Gurukul Kalva and became Vyakaranacharya. Then he went to Haridvar at Gurukul Kangdi University and studied Nirukt by Aachaarya Ramprasadji Vedalankar and become Niruktacharya. After that by Swami Satypatiji while wandering with him he learned Darshans.
After finishing his study he told Swami Satypatiji about his wish of going abroad, but Swamiji did not permit and he told him to learn Darshans systemically and in depth to make other Brahmchaaries to learn the Darshans. For this purpose Swamiji asked him to become Aacharya-Adhisthata at Darshan Yoga Mahavidyalaya and to teach.
He accepted his Guruji’s directive and became principal of this Vidyalaya. By his intellect he taught about 50 Brahmchaaries within 10/11 years. Beside Darshans he also made the Brahmchaaries excel in their behaviour and communication skills. He also taught them Upanishads, Vedas, Sanskrit vyakaran etc.
He is alter-ego of Swamiji and his lifelong mission is to fulfil wishes of Swamiji by serving the humanity and spreading messages of Vaidik Dharma.
At and from Vaanprasth Saadhak Aashram Aachaaryji organises many activities to this effect. Yoga (meditation), Agnihotra Prashikshan, Total Personality development Camps, a Gurukul with no fees for Brahmcharies, Publication and distribution of Vaidik literature etc are some of them. He organises Kriyatmak Yog and Agnihotr Prashikshan camps at several places in India and abroad.
Aachaaryji has visited 19 times to different foreign countries. He visited Canada, Mauritius, Gulf countries and also Tanzania, Kenya, Zanzibar etc. in East Africa and in South Africa at Mozambique, Durban, Johannesburg, Marlborough etc. In Europe beside U.K. he visited Switzerland, France, Italy, Holland, Belgium etc. He also visited Nepal, Thailand and Malaysia, Singapore etc.
Aacharyji knows Hindi, Sanskrit, English and Gujarati. He is a great writer and has written about 21 books of Vaidik literature.
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He is –
President of Vishwakalyan Dharmarth Nyas.
President of Vaidik Aadhyatmik Nyas.
On the board of Vichar Television Network Ltd.