Under the direction of Swami Satyapati ji, for the requirements of the Vaanprasthies who wanted to live in the Ashram, Aachaary Gyaneshwerji started the project of Vaanprasth Saadhak Ashram in 1999. First he tried to get some land but there were so many obstructions to obtain the land. Finally the land was granted by Aaryvan vikas farm on a lease of 99 years. Aacharya Gyaneshwerji took the responsibility of building this institution-Vaanprasth Saadhak Aashram. The building construction started in 2005 with common kitchen and 10 kutirs for Vaanprasthies and Atithies at that time. After that Yajyshaala (Agnihotr-Kendra) was built.
Vanaprastha Sadhak Ashram has conducted, around 250 to 300 Practical Yoga Training Camp ( Kriyaatmak Yoga Prashikshan Shivir ) in 17 states across the country . Thousands of religious persons have taken part in training camps. They were trained in the methods of how to worship God in true Vedic tradition.
Yajya shivirs have been conducted to train interested people in the correct procedure of performing Yajya with correct pronunciation of Mantras (hymns), making people aware of need to perform Yajya for purification of the environment, mind, body and spirit.
Till now various types of Literary work, Books, Booklets, Brochures, Photos, Calendars etc., were published from the Vaanaprastha Sadhak Ashram and distributed to thousands of Families all over the country and abroad. Most of the above items were gifted.
Well organized Spiritual lectures have been conducted all over the country. The audience was well Educated & Brilliant, belonging to the organizations like Government Institutions, Arya Samajs, Educational Institutions, Scientific organizations, Religious Establishments and Public Places. The purpose of these lectures has been to spread the knowledge on Vedic morality-virtue, education, culture, civilization, politeness, conduct and thought.
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