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Invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua dolores et ea rebum
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Special Programmes
Practical yog training camps, Practical Havan training camps, seminars, lectures, festivals etc. will be organized time to time.The consecreted vanaprasthis will be trained and sent to the places in close vicinity to perform vedik rituals like name giving to the new born, havan for peace etc. Giving lectures accordingly will be a part of training.
Practical Yog Training Camps
Practical yog training camps, Practical Havan training camps, seminars, lectures, festivals etc. will be organized time to time.The consecreted vanaprasthis will be trained and sent to the places in close vicinity to perform vedik rituals like name giving to the new born, havan for peace etc. Giving lectures accordingly will be a part of training.
Practical Havan Training Camps
In various states, accross the country, many vedik-custom followers have been turned towards performing daily havan in their homes.